Offers & Skills

— What we do and offer to you.

Our skills.

  • Strategy.

    • Business audit.

    • Transformation roadmap.

    • ICPs & personae definition.

    • Market analysis.

    • Niching & positioning.

    • Business modelling.

    • Offers packaging.

    • Pricing system optimization.

    • Marketing strategy.

    • Sales strategy.

  • Branding.

    • Naming.

    • Logo design.

    • Brand associations strategy.

    • Brand platform.

    • Brand guidelines.

    • Custom 3D design.

  • Product.

    • Product strategy.

    • Figma Design System cleaning.

    • Product design.

Our offers.

Business resources

When you lead a company, you must find out what you don’t know that you don’t know as fast as possible.

Our business resources aim to do that about business, product, branding, marketing, and sales.

We want professionals to be able to excel at what they do without being crippled by the knowledge debt we all have to pay.

So, we make stuff like cheat sheets, templates, guides, and videos for you to tear down.

Get all your free stuff


Business Playbook

This free stuff is so big it has its own section.

We spent about 2000/2500 hours creating this guide on Notion.

Inside it, you’ll find exercises, databases, and tutorials around the 19 constraints most businesses encounter.

Our advice: start with the automated business module called “#1 — Business Audit”.

It’s simple:

  1. Answer yes/no questions.
  2. Find out your business constraints automatically listed by urgency.
  3. Get your prioritized roadmap to annihilate them.

Duplicate your Business Playbook on Notion


Business Shortcut

We 2x your Business by running the Business Playbook on your business without effort, sacrifice, or time investment on your end.

In 8 to 12 weeks, we can do:

  1. Business stuff:
    Business audit, roadmap, market analysis, niching, positioning, avatar definition (ICPs + personae), business modeling.
  2. Branding stuff:
    Brand strategy, naming, brand platform, brand guidelines.
  3. Acquisition stuff:
    Offers definition, pricing system, marketing strategy, sales method, sales strategy, pitching method.
  4. Product stuff:
    Product strategy, design + dev debt removal roadmap

We do only what your business needs.

If it needs only 7 of the above, we’ll only do 7.

We have 4 to 6 spots available yearly.

If you need this now, contact us to avoid the waiting list.


Brand Design

Need a logo? A new name? A new image?

Your business was Pikachu.

Somehow, over the years, it evolved into something else.

Better, faster, stronger... but people don’t realize it.

You need a new identity to reflect the new you.

You need strong associations to forge your legend.

Pikachu ⇒ Raichu in 6 steps:

  • Brand strategy
  • Naming
  • Logo design
  • Brand platform
  • Brand guidelines
  • Figma styles library


Business Cleaning

Like everybody now, you use Notion.

And like everybody you were hyped at the beginning.

And now, it’s a mess.

But, you’re lucky today:

We unmess your stuff for money.

Don’t lose days trying to clean your workspace, all your teamspaces, and all the pages inside them.

Easy steps:

  1. Hire us.
  2. Tell us:
    • what you like (and don’t like.)
    • what you want (and don’t want.)
    • what you need (and don’t need.)
  3. Let us handle the cleaning.

Sit back and relax.

We’re like a vacuum cleaning robot for business documentation.


Product Cleaning

You have a digital product designed on Figma.

So, there’s a 99% chance your Design System is a mess.

A gap between design and dev environments has formed.

Your designers can’t spend weeks cleaning your DS.

With all this technical debt, your developers won’t be able to keep shipping cool stuff for long.

Oh boy...

You’re in the same boat as everybody else.

Yeah, even Spotify, Apple, etc.

But today is your lucky day:

We eat technical debt for money... and we like it 😂

How it works:

  1. Hire us.
  2. Don’t lose days trying to clean stuff:
    • Let us go through your Figma files.
    • Let us go over your dev env.
    • We plan the cleaning with you.
    • We clean everything without breaking stuff.
    • You ship faster without enduring pain.
  3. Enjoy maintenance for the first time (by not doing it).

TL;DR: We’re like stem cells for your product’s body.
